Michael Curtin
Michael Curtin

Please tell our readers a little bit about your background
I have always been influenced by music growing up. My dad has played in bands as a keyboardist and my uncle was on bass since they were very young.

I got into electronic music at around 12 when I heard The Prodigy’s first album, Prodigy Experience. From that moment on I knew I wanted to make electronic music. Got my first set of decks when I was 15, I believe. I remember my first gig was at an underage rave and the whole night the needle kept skipping because of the people dancing on the floor lol. My first piece of hardware I bought was the Roland Aira Tb-3 and from that moment on I was hooked.

What is your Favorite piece of hardware gear to work with and why?
That is a very hard question man but right now it has to be the Akai MPC One. Its work flow is incredible and for playing live on stage it’s a game changer. Loading my samples onto each pad allows me to use my drum machines and other synths very easily because we only have two hands lol. But everyone has their own preference.

AKAI Professional MPC One
AKAI Professional MPC One

Is there a specific VST plugin that radically changed your workflow?

Nexus is what I use in my DAW mostly, it’s so powerful for all genres and is a reasonably cheap plug in for what you get. You also get free expansion packs throughout the year.

Do you have a specific process when it comes to creating tracks. For instance, do you start with a beat or with a melody?

Great question man but honestly, I go with the flow. Sometimes ill lay down a few beats and see where it takes me, and sometimes I’ll start jamming in the studio with the beats I laid down and see if I can add some melodies some FX and maybe some vocals. I could be working on a track for weeks and just put it to one side and not do anything with it for months and then all of a sudden, I’ll be in my studio and something comes to me. It’s weird but in my opinion there’s no right way in making music everyone is different which is cool.

Which aspect of music production do you feel you excel at?
Personally, playing live because playing live there’s no rules and you can go with the flow and change it if needs be. I love writing and producing tracks but live is what I’m best at.

Your best advice to get that kick drum pounding?
Honestly for me layering and some distortion man depending on the track. My good friend Phil Minotti AKA Rabbit Hole Express and Cntrl Machine, produces the most banging kicks, he will send me a track to listen to and I’m like how did you make that kick lol. I love taking a 909 or 808 kick and just making it sound insane.

Out of all the productions you have made, what would be your personal Favorite?
Another hard question lol but i think a track i did 3 or 4 years ago called Nicotine. I actually recorded it live on hardware using just a 909 a 303 and the Korg Volca sample and mixed it in FL Studio adding some vocals and effects. Sometimes less is more when it comes to hardware.

What is the best advice you have for other producers in the game?
Believe in yourself because there is plenty of people who will insult your music insult your gear and that’s a fact. I know guys who just use a DAW and produce some incredible music so don’t think you need every synth or drum machine to make great music. I’m very lucky with the people I’m involved with its all about encouragement and helping each other and more importantly having fun man.

Is there anything else you would like to share?
I’m working with Phil Minotti, I mentioned him earlier, on a project called Half Life and we are working on a new EP at the moment it’s going to be a banging techno EP so watch out for it in the near future.

Where can people find you online?

Check out my Facebook page K.U.R.T. and Half Life page with Phil Minotti.

Huge respect to Wilf for the interview.

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