
Frankfurt duo Soundfile celebrates their newest EP recently released on Playoff Records titled THE KING talking with us about their favorite gear and studio tricks.

Soundfile – The King EP

Please tell our readers a little bit about your background
Thomas: I have just a technical background, I completed the audio engineer diploma at SAE in 2003. I always tried to produce, but I’m a better audio engineer and technician :-))

Martin: I started to collect Vinyls back in ´03 and start to Djing. I started to play a wide range of all kinds of Music like Dancehall, Reggae, Hip Hop, RN`B, House and Electro House. Especially the Electronic Music has driven me to Techno finally and with Techno if found myself and a channel to explore and expose my Feelings. Music always lifted me up to higher consciousness and raised my vibrations. I care mostly for all the Dj stuff like digging for new music preparing the sets and participate on the production of new tracks.

What is your favorite piece of hardware gear to work with and why?
Thomas: I like the Distressor and the Fatso, just put the signal in and it comes fat out.

Martin: That’s a hard question for me because if u had children, who would be your favorite, you´ll probably loved them all the same but I can say that the XOX-Box playing the Acid-Sounds and the Moog Voyager playing the Bassline are the most used gear in our tracks so far.

Is there a specific VST plugin that radically changed your workflow?
Martin: I would say the Wormhole from Zynaptiq changed our Workflow in relation to our Vocals. It is a great tool for Vocals and our Vocals got the extraordinary touch we always wanted to get.

Wormhole by Zynaptiq
Wormhole by Zynaptiq

Do you have a specific process when it comes to creating tracks. For instance, do you start with a beat or with a melody?
Thomas: Kick, Bassline, HHs Snares Claps…,some random synth melodies and a hook and vocal loop from Beatport DJ tools

How do you approach space in production as it relates to delays and reverbs?
Thomas: We are using a lot of Ducking effects

Which aspect of music production do you feel you excel at?
Thomas: For me every track is like the first track, always the same struggle since 20 years 🙂

Martin: For me every new Track is an adventure and a story to be told, so I let myself be guided by the present moment and our mood, so it´s important for me to be in a good mood when we go into the studio.


Your best advice to get that kick drum pounding?
Thomas: The best advice I can give, is to take an analog gear Kick like Tanzbär and route it through Fatso and Distressor.

Out of all the productions you have made, what would be your personal favorite?
Martin: Pablo Picasso said with the Age of 87 that he is still learning, so a personal favorite is always the next Track because he has to be better and joyfuller as the last one.

What is the best advice you have for other producers in the game?
Thomas: Run as long as you can:-)) Buy one gear by one, not too much at once, always dig deep into your gear, the better you know your gear the more you’ll be able to translate your feelings into music. Get into the flow, just let it play.

Martin: And don’t forget to give your self time and space for your personal development and self-optimization on the long run.

Is there anything else you would like to share?
Martin: Your Self-Transcendence to higher good as an Artist and in the end especially as an Human, is the greatest gift you can give to the world.

Where can people find you online?

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