Hammarica.com Daily DJ Interview: The Egyptian Lover
Hammarica.com | EDM News Network.
The Egyptian Lover started out as a D.J. in Los Angeles with Uncle Jamms Army doing dances at the L.A. Sports Arena. He began recording around Los Angeles in 1982 as a member of the Radio Crew. In the early days of hip hop, albums were rare, so most of The Egyptian Lover’s successful recordings were 12″ singles. He would eventually release some of the earliest rap LPs, which was especially unique for being west-coast based, but they were less popular than his singles. On the strength of containing an alternate mix of his most popular single “Egypt, Egypt”, 1984’s On the Nile was moderately successful. Egyptian Lover returned in 1994 with “Back from the Tomb”. His last full-length album in over ten years. Since then he has made “Platinum Pyramids” and “Electro Pharoh” (Digital MP3) and is now working on a New Album entitled “1984.”
You started producing hiphop and electro beats in the early 80’s as one of the true pioneers. Did you teach yourself the secrets of production or did you have a mentor?
I taught myself everything. I am a creator and I know how to produce what I am looking for. In the very beginning my brother David Broussard taught me how to listen to music and learn what it is all about. How to listen beyond the words and break down the songs parts. That opened my eyes to music. When I bought my first drum machine I made Beats I could dance to, Beats I would play at my dances and watch people dance. They loved them and I was pleased. That started me producing songs, writing and playing music along with the beats I created. It was a long fun road (of what they call Electro) and I’m still on it.
When you took a break from music in the early 90’s, what did you do?
I was still touring and doing shows in the US, mainly the down south area. I also used that time to spend with my family and enjoy life a little. It’s no fun when you make money and never have time to spend it. I released a few things in the 90’s. Then I chilled until the Internet pulled me back in.
Could you share some pictures of your current studio with us?
I use many studio’s in Hollywood. I’m still old school so I don’t do the home studio thing. I go Big!!!
Has your musical taste changed over time or do you think it will?
I make music for me and it has never changed. I will always do what I love. That way I am never disappointed.
Who is your favorite DJ and could you tell us why?
I like many D.J.’s but I Love my style. When I mix I like to do live edits to the record. Flipping the record over and over and playing it backwards and cutting and scratching and getting down.
Is there anything that makes you shy?
I used to be a shy guy but when I started making records that all went away.
What is the most important thing record labels should do for their artists? And are they doing a good job with that?
I have no idea, I have owned my own label since day one. Egyptian Empire Records. I don’t think I would be 100% happy on any other label. One day I may give it a try and we will see.
The most important thing a label should do is let the Artist be them self.
What is the nicest thing a fan ever told you?
The nicest thing a fan ever told me was I just bought all your albums on iTunes and I’m looking for all the vinyl I can find. Your music touches me deep down in my soul and makes me want to dance.
Do you regret any interviews from the past?
All of them! I should have been like Prince and said No to everyone. LOL
Do you sometimes make music completely out of your own genre that never gets released?
Sometimes, I make what I like at the time. I even made “Green Onions” cover. I Love music!
Have you been to Egypt and how did you enjoy that country?
I have yet to go to Egypt. One day I will go and I know I will enjoy it. I must see the Pyramids.
You recently sold a number of paintings featuring the TR 808. When did you get into painting?
I have been drawing all my life and started painting in 2012. It’s really a great way to relax and free your creativity.
Did you ever visit a far country where you were surprised people actually knew all your music?
Many, China, Japan, Germany, France, England, Greece, Italy, Sweden, Ireland, Holland, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Estonia, Russia, Australia, Slovenia, Finland, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Austria, and many more… It always surprises me. Especially when the young kids in their 20’s know my songs.
Is there a final thing you would like to say to our readers?
I want everyone to know that I am Old School and what I do is entertain the way we did back in the day. I use vinyl records when I perform, I do old dance moves, and I mix my old school style. It’s a must see show every DJ should see, and every music lover should come to enjoy.
Thanks again Egypt for taking the time for this interview!
You are welcome!
With special thanks to Steve Ahu Akbar.
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