Get to know Skallee & Wagz, an EDM production group from London, England. Their newest song “Same Page” featuring Shaun Colwil, was recently released to great reviews.

Now that 2019 has started, what musical goals do you have? Did you make any New Years resolutions?

We plan to release 4 singles this year and do our first club tour. Our resolution is to make great music!

What has been the biggest surprise so far about making music your career?

That people seem to really like our stuff! Not a surprise as such, more of a real compliment.

How do you think you and your music has been influenced by your hometown and where you live now?

We live in London and I think our music portrays some of London’s eclectic and diverse cultures.

Let’s talk about your newest single “Same Page.” What was the inspiration for this song?

We wanted to empower the romantically fallen into asking “Are we on the same page? Do we ride the same wave?” Because if not, I don’t want to fall in love with you!

Do you plan on making a music video for the song? If so, what will it be like?

We have made a lyric video for the song. Its very cool and dreamy.

When do you hope to release more new music? Are you working on any new songs now?

Our next single Green Light drops on May 10th!

What has it been like keeping up with all of your social media accounts? Is it hard to stay up to date with it all? What is your favorite way to communicate with your fans?

Its tough keeping everything up to date when we are so busy but it’s always great getting so much feedback on our posts. Instagram is a great way to communicate with our fans and we get really great engagement on that channel.

What musicians have continued to inspire you and your music? What artists would you like to work with in the future?

Zedd and Martin Garrix are very cool producers and we love their stuff. We’d love to make a tune with Zara Larsson.

Where can fans see you perform next? Do you have any kind of a 2019 tour schedule planned?

We’re just planning a club tour for later in the year – stay tuned to our social media for more news!

At the end of the day, what do you hope people take away from your music?

Just to feel good and have a good time when they hear it.

Would you like to share anything else with our readers about your music?

We’d just like to say thank you for all the amazing support we’ve had so far. Skallee & Wagz’ journey has only just begun and we’re looking forward to a crazy ride with all our fans in the future!

You can find out more about Skallee & Wagz on their official website here.


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